Sweet Apple Pie

04 Jan 2005
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some things i'll never understand

06.05.2003 - 10:22 a.m.

i dont know what it is, but my students have just become retarded, lathargic, comatose....

its crazy! yesterday in math we were working on double-digit subtraction...first we subtract the "pennies" then we subtract the "dimes"....well we do the pennies:

ms. swtapplpie - ok class and 5 minus 2 is?

children - *crickets chirping*

ms. swtapplpie - class? *long pause* class? three!?!?!?

and i'm not the only one. another teacher comes to me and say, are your children acting very weird? like they dont know anything? oh dear, at least i'm not the only one....is there like a full moon or something?


of course, there's always matilda to make me laugh on the inside. matilda is somewhat of a tattle. i allow my students only 1 tattle a day, so they will ponder their tattle and make sure its worth the tattle. well matilda does not conform to all my rules.....

matilda: ms. swtapplpie, will you please tell jimmy to stop!

me: well what's he doing?

matilda: well he's putting his hand under his arm and making a....ya know.....tooting sound.

heheheh, i dont know why but i find the word "toot" so much more entertaining than "fart or poot"....and i like how she put the little "ya know" in there...


sometimes i wonder about the "professionals" that write our textbooks. in our reading program, the teacher's have a book with large word lists printed in them. we have to read, spell, sound out, etc. the words on the list before the stories. well the first two words in my list were #1 jungle and #2 love, so when my students are shouting the list out loud, we are exploiting "jungle love" throughout the hallways to other pure and innocent children....and then of course comes "sucked" later on. i understand that kids at this age think of "suck" and an oral function, but deary me!!

just one of those things i think these writers had a little drinkie poo while doing....

they take joy in knowing children around the world are shouting "jungle love" at their teachers....


Baked - In the Oven