Sweet Apple Pie

04 Jan 2005
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in this old age......i find myself short of sleep and memory

04.28.2003 - 9:03 a.m.

i'm sorry.....i promised that which i did not provide. i promised pics of matilda and i did not post. ooh woe is me!

i went home prepared to scan the pics and i forgot. and i left them at home, so i can't even try and do it until next weekend. sorry guys. one of these days.


i am so tired this morning i could seriously lie down under my desk and sleep the day away. first of all, i didn't get back into town until 1am. then my dog woke up at 4:30 barfing all over my room, so i had to clean it all up.

i don't know what his prob was.


so on that note, i don't really feel like writing. but!!!!!!!

i will give the winner anything their heart desires if you can answer my question. ok maybe not anything. maybe just the fulfillment of knowing that you made my day....but.....here it is!

what movie is this song in?

Forever Man by eric clapton

*how many times must i say i love you?

*before you finally understand....

*i want you to be my forever woman..

*and i'll be your forever man...forever man, ever man, ever man, ever man....


on the ride home last night, this 80s staysh did the coolest thing! they played a Casey's countdown from 1985! it was great! i did a LOT, A LOT of boogie-ing! and putting on my car concerts

yeah, and they played that song. and this movie keeps flashing through my head....the memory is vivid, but there's no faces or recollection of what movie. i need help! help, i say! help!

is it just me or is the word "debauchery" overused on diaryland. truthfully i think i've read it 100 times in many, many different diaries. its like the "word of the decade on d-land" ....so therefore i see that my assistance as a teacher is in need...


bender, binge, blowout, bust, carousal, depravity, desire, dissipation, dissoluteness, drunk, excess, fast living, fornication, fraternization, gluttony, hellbent, high living, incontinence, indulgence, intemperance, intimacy, jag, lasciviousness, lechery, lewdness, license, licentiousness, lust, orgy, overindulgence, revel, revelry, seduction, sensuality, sybaritism, tear, toot

you may choose a word from my personal list as you wish. i personally prefer "jag" or "toot"....though others may confuse your usage of toot and may lead to unfortunate assumptions of what you were trying to get at...so use with caution. have a great day!!!!

And Remember: though it is so easy to give in to the toots of life, hold it in! its just plain lack of self control!!!!


Baked - In the Oven