Sweet Apple Pie

04 Jan 2005
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dinosaurs or fluke-a-saurs?

03.17.2005 - 3:23 p.m.

perhaps you all already know this and i'm just left in the dark, but i learned something new today.

who out there believes in dinosaurs?...yes, yes, i do too...

well it seems that for quite some time a museum has had quite an error in their fossilized findings. it took scientists 23 years to even realize that there had been an error in their calculations...

yes, yes, for 23 years scientists realized that they had placed the wrong head on a dinosaur fossil....the wrong head on a set of animal bones could be anything!

know what dinosaur? ....oh just a brontosaurus....know what museum? oh just the smithsonian...

what's this mean?....no such thing as a brontosaurus, perhaps?


did you know that most dinosaur fossils that have been excavated are only 63% complete, but that's only the most! most fossils are less complete than that....

gosh a brontosaurus sure does have an elephant-looking humpback....wowie, those legs sure are fat and thick like a hippo....that tail sure does resemble a thick aligator looking tail...

could it be that all these fossils were just in close proximity with the others and put together to create a "dinosaur"???

hey, what do i know? i'm just a 3rd grade teacher...

Baked - In the Oven