Sweet Apple Pie

04 Jan 2005
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Naughty, Nasty, Lil' Leprechaun

03.15.2005 - 7:12 p.m.

its that time again....

the leprechaun is back. i have successfully been able to weasel in a survey and found that 12 out of my 14 believe in leprechauns. GREAT!! STUPENDOUS!!

this morning i had all of the chairs carefully and strategically balanced on top of the desks and each other poltergeist style!.....brucie walked in and squealed like a piggy.

it was the most hilarious thing i've ever heard in my life!!

last week we planted kwik grass in little dixie cups and put a leprechaun face on the sides of all of them. tomorrow we get to give our leprechauns hair cuts. brucie also mentioned how EXTREMELY excited he was to play beauty shop tomorrow. bless him....

but the nasty, naughty little leprechaun is back at it again. tune in again for more news on the silly lil' sucker...

Baked - In the Oven