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The Finger Nail Fiasco

02.24.2005 - 9:43 p.m.

i know i havent been posting too much here lately...good sign that i need to slow down...

well i gotta new story for ya, wanna hear it? here it go!

i think i mentioned brucie and his fingernail. silly goosey wears a lee press-on fingernail on his pointer finger to school. he is damn proud of it too. hahaha.

well i can always tell when bruce is having a breakdown because i'll see 3 or 4 students over patting him and whispering things to him....and yet they all are still cutting their eyes at me waiting on me to yell at them or something (like i really do that when a child is having a meltdown in my class).

i finally just say, "brucie, are you crying hunny? come here." (i've gotten quite used to the meltdowns, they are not as emotional for me. a bruce breakdown is like an untied shoe these days. just tie it and keep on truckin)

he comes over and i say, "bruce why are we crying?"
he cries harder....
"bruce, i can't help you unless you help me."
he cries harder than the first time...
"ok then, i can't talk to you until you stop crying...so why don't you just go sit down and we'll figure it out later."
crying suddenly stops, and we get some words..."dillon threw away my finga-nail"
me -- "dillon, come here"
dillon is the sweet little devil that you love but you loathe! he is always into mischief but then throws that precious lil' smile at you and you just can't help but love him....
well he tells me that bruce gave the "finga-nay-ull" to tasha, tasha gave it to dillon, and dillon is not gay so he threw it away....and of course i thank dillon for the letting me know that he is "not gay" and implying that bruce is....
well then oh dear the tears started again. i asked bruce if he gave the fingernail to tasha....and he said yes....
me -- "well darlin, if you gave it to her, it was hers to do what she wanted with it."
it was like i'd just told him that his mother and father were just murdered and he was left alone and would be shipped off to timbuktu to live with a pack of wolves...
deary me....well dillon comes up with a fantastic idea!! "let's look for it in the garbage!!"
oh how i love it when they have great ideas like that...because of course that made brucie halfway stop crying...and then i spent the rest of recess digging through our trash with the other students. they were quite strangely excited about it. and we found it....
the poor lost lee press-on nail is not lost forever, it is found, it is found!!

and brucie is happy once again...

Baked - In the Oven