Sweet Apple Pie

04 Jan 2005
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Remember me?!?!?

06.30.2004 - 1:21 p.m.

hello my lovers! you sexy, sexy boogers! .....wow, its been a while...but since my cable internet ate up my motherboard and my school district big brothers our internetial activity....i have not been such a worthy participant of d-land central!

but needless to say my life is just fabu!...i got a new job....3rd grade at a FABULOUS new school (that will be year-round again, so i start back to school in 2 weeks)....

i just filled out an order form for school supplies...they said, "here's a catalog, have a hayday."...so i spent an entire night going teacher crazy in a catalog and in my excitement spent around 2 grand...

and when i took it into the office, redfaced and shy....they said, "hmmp, this looks pretty tame...no problem!!"

hells yeah! (i think that's how a northerner might approve of me replying)...hehehe...more like..."YEEEEEEE HAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! to me

anyways, so i also got a job teaching a 3 and 4 year old dance class twice a week....and also, don't forget the aspiring photographer that i am. i like to keep busy.

haven't been doing much photography lately...biz has slowed down since spring. all i do these days is make dvds for my dad....with the first class program we've snagged i can create a 35 min dvd in about 1 hour and 58 mins!

**note sarcasm

but that's about it. since i'll be pullin in the extra doe from my side jobs, i'm thinking of moving out into my own apt. i now live in a little house with my sister...it holds us, but we could use more space....and considering when i moved home from raleigh the house was so small, half of my furniture is still in storage (so i'd like to get some use out of it before good ole southern humidity and termites dissentigrate it...

so that's my life. not all, but portions...glad to be back, i hope to be around more

good day loves ...

Baked - In the Oven