Sweet Apple Pie

04 Jan 2005
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Jelly Bracelet or Jelly "I want to do magical things to you" Bracelet

12.08.2003 - 5:58 p.m.

so i don't know if you teachers out there have heard the new hype with the kiddies, but i got some news for ya...

everybody remember jelly bracelets? the little colored bracelets that you wore about 15 on your arm at a time.

well they're back! and guess what? thats not all....

they're back and each individual color has a meaning. a certain color means that the child wearing them performs a certain sexual favor....

NOOOO!!!! my poor little innocent babies. i've spotted several jelly bracelets on some arms, and it makes me just want to cry! eekk!!

just today i spotted a little boy giving a sweet little girl a purple one. somebody! please! find out what the purples mean!! i'm hoping perhaps holding hands with fingers interlaced....or perhaps maybe a french kiss (i can handle that)

well anytime you see a child wearing a jelly bracelet, i'm demanding that everyone pull together to run to the child, rip off the jelly bracelets with force and vigor, as you wrestle the screaming child to the ground, hold the tattered jelly bracelets in the air and scream in defeat with your loudest, "ROOAAARRRRRRRR!" (as if you were a tiger)

i think we'll kick this fad in the bud...


an even more sad quote given by little tommy in sex ed class....

"Ms. Swtapplpie, my daddy says there's a special button on a lady and if you kiss it, it'll drive her wild. Is that true?"

As 40 gleaming little boy eyes glare at me i simply reply, "umm, tommy, i think that's something you need to talk to your daddy about."

then i ran from the room screaming and arms flailing like a giraffe in heat.

Baked - In the Oven