Sweet Apple Pie

04 Jan 2005
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Why do i keep saying Fabulous?

11.06.2003 - 8:14 p.m.

what a FABULOUS day!

yesterday at 3:30pm, our principal informs us that a state certified representative was coming to our school to observe the language arts teachers using Four-Blocks in our classrooms....

my first thought of course, "CRAP! well i'm gonna flunk!"

well i had some good stuff planned for today anyways, so i just took the attitude, "BRING IT ON!"

i completed my entire set of lessons, and no observer! well i told the students, ok lets just get into our social studies groups to work on our egyptian projects...

as they were getting into groups, they walk in!! of course, i panic and start hurrying the children to their groups. a couple of students begin arguing over which group sits where!! ahhhhh!!

so then as soon as they are seated, they walk out! utter disappointment! they didn't even watch any instructional time. the kids could see i was upset, but i told them it wasn't their fault....i was just upset because they didn't get to see us do anything....

well at lunch today, i plop down beside the principal and ask him how our observation went (i had already heard he was pretty pissed at all the things she pointed out that we did NOT do).....

well he pokes me with his elbow and says, "well she did say that she enjoyed the ambiance of your classroom!"

Me - "Oh wow! yeah!!" - i then of course quickly excuse myself and find the nearest dictionary....


am�bi�ance - n.

The special atmosphere or mood created by a particular environment

kick ass i tell ya! my day has been fabulous i say...

i'm going to go celebrate! michalob ultras on the house.....

(ok not really) but i am getting a facial and massage at 1pm on saturday......


Baked - In the Oven