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Sex, Lies, and Sixth Grade

09.08.2003 - 4:11 p.m.

ya know, maybe its because all this time i've been in a very small school....

maybe its because i'm a very "to myself" person and i choose to not eat lunch in the teacher's lounge.....

maybe its because i'm extremely naive and don't know shit that goes on around me....

either way, its amazing at the pornographic, immoral, unchaste, two-timing (or three-timing) and disgusting adultery that goes on in the public schools.

i have been in school for two weeks, and already i've been warned that the gym teacher and the special ed teacher are sleeping together and they are both married!!!

they have already been forbadden to visit each others classrooms at any point during the school day. its crazy.

its also funny that throughout our county's school system, i am working with "my friends" - people i went to high school with. and well, one particular boy who IS married, goes out to the bars on Fridays and said to my sister, "if i weren't married, i'd take you home right now and do God knows what to you."

good lord! well come to find out, he's already sleeping with an older lady at the high school who is also married WITH KIDS!!

just last year, a kid i went to high school with, then teaching high school science, was thrown in jail for sleeping with his students. geesh!

its just all too much, my quiet virgin ears just can't take it. well maybe my ears aren't virgin, but they just can't take all the filth!

i grew up with one of the teachers i work with. she is a darling. she's actually about 15 or so years older than me, but when i was 1 or 2 my mom was her "Youth Leader" at church, so when she was about 14/15/16 she was taking care of me and toting me around everywhere with her. well, she said that all the other teachers were asking her if i was always so quiet. i feel bad, i'm really not anti-social, but i do feel part of a teacher's problem is how much they gossip and just - hell i dont know, sleep with each other?!!?!? (hehehe)

not saying all teachers gossip in the teacher's lounge, but its very addicting and i'm guilty myself when i'm around it....sooooooo, i just choose to separate myself from it. :)


so anyways, on a lighter note...

my "nightmare" class that i spake of in previous entries...are turning into my babies! yes, yes, we all knew it would happen...but they are! i went to their football game on saturday, and they were just so cute. (they are only 11, so most of them still play on the "little league" teams)

so my days are happier...


Baked - In the Oven