Sweet Apple Pie

04 Jan 2005
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Hot or Not?

09.04.2003 - 6:55 p.m.

i was driving home from school today and i was thinking about entering "Club 2000's Hot or Not Contest".....

ok now let's think about this....

yes i think it would be nice to know if guys think i'm "hot"! but ya know what...if they voted "not" i'd probably scramble off stage and stab myself with the first butter knife i saw. no need for the sharp ones, the dulls make the pain much more intense. i'd stumble around aimlessly, moaning quite forcefully while still stabbing myself with the knife.

and if i didn't die, i'd chug 3 vials of Ipecac syrup to make myself throw up my insides until nothing was left. then i'd chug rancid egg salad to make myself throw up more.

then i'd probably slice my face off with a rusty blade and throw my bloody face skin at boys that i pass......

ok i'm voting against entering the "Hot or Not" contest.....

what? too dirty?

Baked - In the Oven