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Field Day, Butterflies, and Sexy Old Dirty Men

06.11.2003 - 12:18 p.m.


this morning was field day. (8:30 to 12) starting around 9:00 matilda started expressing her wishes to eat lunch. around 11:00 she made sure that i knew her blood sugar was getting low. :)

it was cute.

field day was fun. since we are of course a "charter" school and we don't revolve much around sports and atheletics. our events consisted of face painting, egg race, kareoke, douse the teacher, musical chairs (believe it or not, this was the most competitive one) one of my little boys got out at the beginning and he got so mad, he stomped off and put his fingers in his ears while i was trying to tell him to be a good sport.


we have some butterfly crysalisses (sp?) in our classroom right now. 1 hatched this morning during homeroom. or excuse me, emerged! the other science teacher with me if VERY scientific so everytime i use the word "hatch" she corrects me with EMERGED!!!!!!

Whatever...its cracking out of a shell so hello, hatch....

my kids are mezmorized by it right now because its pooping. as we speak i have butterfly poop on my counter and the kids think its "so cool". i wish i'd known all year that an insect pooping was so interesting to them!!!!


we had awards day the other night. matilda won "Future Explorer" she was very excited about it. one of the teachers here has her daughter in my class. her husband is (might i say) very very good-looking. but he kinda freaks me out. at the beginning of the year, he used to make fun of my name and roll the "r" with his tongue. his wife told me he said my name sounds like i belong in a little french maid uniform.

well this couple was also at the wedding from saturday. his wife doesnt dance and she asked me if i do. i said, yes of course, and she says, good you can dance with my husband then.

well he keeps looking over at me and saying drink up i want to dance soon. ahhhh! ewwwwww! you're married, i can't dance with you. like i had said, i left early to go out with some other friends, so i escaped the dancing with a married man. i wouldn't mind if he didn't look at me so seductively....

though he is a very hot and sexy man, you're married,hun!!

anyways. i gotta get some work accomplished and pretend i'm working today...hey when there's only 2 days of school left, parents please understand that your child is only at school to play.... :)

have a fantas day!!!

Baked - In the Oven