Sweet Apple Pie

04 Jan 2005
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my parents were not crack heads i swear!

04.09.2003 - 8:47 a.m.

i love working in my family's biz....if you knew them, you'd know why...

my older sister summer, well she's crazy. she's like a kid stuck in a 26 yr old's body. yesterday, we were taking pics at a dance school, we just started doing things like key chains and buttons digitally, so people can get them right away...i work all the digital and computer stuff....and summer's in there taking the actual portraits...i get a text message on my fone from here that says..."april is a fat whore"...of course i get her back with some choice words i shall not post due to young eyes that may be reading...but still just keeps you entertained....

autumn on the other hand...she used to be the wild child, but now that she's had jayden, she's settled a bit. the new "mom" of the family...but she stills jokes around with us. in the hustle and bustle of people wanting to "get in and get out" for their pictures which is just not gonna happen, we are constantly making each other laugh by being crazy which then loosens up the customers and they calm down. i even had a few to chuckle out! YEEESSSSSSSS!!!!!! mission complete!

my mom and dad, they are pretty normal. they'll "whipser" a joke to you when people are around, but they aren't wild and crazy or anything. maybe that's why they put up with us three crazy girls so well.

moral of this story--laugh on the job, makes it so much more enjoyable....send the shy guy in the next cubicle a message that say.."yes, i'm gonna need you to come over here and french kiss my anus"....

hehehe...have a great day guys!!!!

Baked - In the Oven