Sweet Apple Pie

04 Jan 2005
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"its quite mannish" **english accent

03.26.2003 - 7:48 a.m.

yeah yeah, only one more day! yeah, yeah, only one more day!! of school, of school, of school, school, school.....

i rented the jackass movie yesterday....good grief, those boys are crazy! i mean, some of that stuff they could have seriously died....like the wassabi(sp?) lines?!?!!? hello! do you think that shittaki was meant to go up your nose?

alot of the snippets made me bellow like a man. i have a very mannish laugh when i really, really get tickled...otherwise, its just sort of gigglie

i scared my dog with a couple of them. they must be very manly. he's used to only mommie being around and this manly laugh cause him to jolt under the kitchen table! crazy dog! don't you know your mommie is part man....na, not really....all woman... minus the laugh...

i'm bored...think i'll go organize my classroom, maybe teach the children how to make sqeaky noises in their armpits...



ok i'm back now...just had to tell ya...

i just asked some students to separate some papers for me because i'm lazy...nah, cause i'm working on tweeking report cards. so anyways, they started singing a song and i started listening....(one of them received a papercut apparently during their "job")

its dangerous, its dangerous

its a dangerous joooooobbbbbbb!

its a dangerous job, PAPER!

Paper, paper, paper, paper

Paper is a dangerous jooooooobbbbbbbbb!

what weirdos!

Baked - In the Oven