Sweet Apple Pie

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a misfit lover

02.21.2003 - 1:52 p.m.

we are watching a movie on weather in science class today. i thought i'd update quick while i'm counting the minutes until school's out!

its funny, have you ever noticed that kids run out of school when school's out flailing their arms, rarin' to go, so much energy....and its the teachers that drag their bookbags, all hunch backed, no energy, give out, about to cower over in surrender from the day!

well no way, jose! not my kids!!! i make sure that my kids are draggin out of the school and, yep, it ME that runs outta here, arms flailin', who-hooin'!

which i guess is why i'm writing right now. my body is about to break out into convulsive shakes cause i'm sitting at my desk...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!


have you ever seen that coke commercial with courteney cox and david arquette? the one where she puts his glass full of ice with a drop of coke and her glass has 1 cube and the rest of the can....heehee, that's something i'd do to my husband...


which makes me think.....do you remember Misfits of Science, the tv series? i loved that freakin show! man, i think i had my first girl crush on courteney cox on that show....i secretly wanted to be her. move things with my mind, i'd play like i was her...and i had my first boy crush from the show too...johnny b! yep, i'm a johnny b lover....it made me quiver to see him shoot lightening from his arms!! whew! my fave episode (the one where i found out i really WAS in love with johnny b was Grand Theft Bunny. in that episode, johnny b. got this disease and this bunny had the only anecdote....he almost died, i remember just feeling wretched and sick to my stomach seeing him sweat and wrench with the disease....it was a mind-scrambler....so yeah, i guess this short-lived show, was my short-lived experience of bisexuality. i loved them both, and what was i? like 7? man, i must be a red-hot lover if i started that early!!!

i've seen the season of episodes on VHS for sale on Ebay before!! every single time, i've been outbid....who out there remembers this show and is a fan like me? and please, share the wealth!!!!


one of my students just told me i should be a "modeler".....i love them on their good days! ridin' the cotton pony makes me feel fat and bloated and dirty, and gosh darnet, this girl has just made my day....sorry if thats "too much info", but hell we're all girls here...besides our amishfriend and our ever chilly radio buddy, and they're my boys so i'll talk about my crimson tide whenever i darn well please! whoa, sorry....brief tangent....g-bye then!

Baked - In the Oven