Sweet Apple Pie

04 Jan 2005
get yours
C'mon. Gimme a Smack!

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smack it like you mean it!(smilies)

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Slo Kids = Frolic and Cheer

02.08.2005 - 4:55 p.m.

people always justify that a teacher's pay is fair by one getting out of school at 2:30....regardless that i'm there until 5 or 6, take my bookbag load home with me, and usually am at school on all my days off making centers, copies, cut-outs, projects, banners, folders, word cards, sentence cards, math boards, etc......


so on days i do have to stay after school, its always my favorite to ask 3 of my really slow kids to stay behind and help me....

not only is it an extra hand (yes, all 6 hands equal one)....but it is also a nice form of entertainment....

what? is that mean??

ahhh, you know i love my babies!! ;)

Baked - In the Oven